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  • Writer's pictureSkyler Evans

New Year’s resolutions you NEED to set in order to achieve a healthier relationship

Are you ready to bring in the New year with your significant other?

I know I sure am!

This will be the second New Years with my husband and we are ecstatic to bring in the New Year with our newest addition to our family, baby Charli Moon, or as we like to call her, Charls.

After dealing with with an intense custody battle this past year and finally coming to peace with the situation, we are looking forward to see what 2020 has in store for us!

Whether you’re married, engaged, or playing the field , I’ve got a list of New Year’s resolutions that you are gonna want to add to your list this year!

Be a better listener.

Admittedly, this one is on my list again this year.

With a toddler and a newborn, life can be chaotic around here.

My husband and I barely get a chance to talk throughout the week.

We have to wait until the kids are in bed, or maybe at the dinner table on the days my husband has an off day from work.

Therefore, that doesn’t give us much room for actually being able to listen to one another directly.

I realize that this is a situation that occurs in the majority of people’s relationships today.

Likewise, it is important that we set out time to genuinely listen to what our spouse has to say.

Listening to one another can help you both to grow firm in your relationship.


As often as it may seem, a lot of us tend to fail at being present when it comes to our relationship as a whole.

I mean sure, we love our spouse and always want to be with them, but are you realistically present or just kind of there?

Going into the New Year, I encourage you to set a goal to be more present in your relationship.

For example, if your spouse comes home one day with an interesting story to tell, I encourage you to take the time to stop whatever you are doing and be completely present in order to listen.

Being present can assist you in knowing the ins and outs of your partners day and help you maybe understand their good , or even not so good mood that day.

Learn something together.

Generally speaking, the capacity to learn is a gift.

What better way to bring in the New Year than to set a goal to learn something new with your partner?

For example, my husband and I always strive to learn new things about one another and about our relationship.

We also set out to learn more aspects of the entrepreneur lifestyle, essential oils, and ways to go about building our own home.

i’m sure you have all heard the phrase “We learn something new everyday”

(insert my southern slang here)

That phrase pertains to your relationship as well.

I strongly suggest that you make it a priority to learn something new with your spouse this New Year.

Give more compliments

Unfortunately, there are days we all have where our confidence in ourselves is running low.

We just feel blah.

Furthermore, that also means your significant other may also lack confidence in themselves as well.

It is your job as a righteous partner to lift the other up in boosting their confidence and encouraging them to love themselves.

For instance, some days I am a complete hot mess and my husband never hesitates to tell me how beautiful he believes I am, even though I’ve more than likely got my hair pulled up in a top knot and I’m rocking his sweats and a baggy tee.

This New Year, set out to make your lover feel confidently attractive with your heartfelt compliments.

Show more appreciation

We all love fulfilling the needs of our significant others, although sometimes it can be hard to remember that your partner needs some appreciation.

For instance, maybe you forgot to grab a certain thing from the store to finish dinner one night, so your partner runs out to get it, and it just slips your mind to even tell them thank you because you’re just so flustered in that moment.

This really grinds my husbands gears, so I’ve got to work on this one myself.

Coming forth into the New Year, I totally encourage you to show more appreciation to your spouse and continue to watch your relationship flourish into healthiness.

Set one certain goal together and work hard to achieve it

This is my favorite one!

My husband and I have made a commitment to buy a house by 2021.

We never had the pleasure of having a home that we grew up in our entire lives, so this is something we both feel very passionate about giving that to our children.

Therefore, this one is def on the list for us this year! We plan to work hard to save all of our money as best we can to put towards a down payment on a house.

It is important that you set realistic goals for your relationship with your partner.

This ensures that you are both serious about your relationship and you both want to build together.

My marriage is not perfect by any means, but we do strive to be our best for each other everyday.

We are setting forth with our New Years resolutions in order to see more improvement within our relationship and I hope you all can do the same with yours!

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