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  • Writer's pictureSkyler Evans

Top 3 Newborn Essentials that you NEED

  1. Muslin Swaddles



So, maybe you have heard of Muslin Swaddles before, or maybe you haven’t.

Either way, you NEED these for your newborn.

Wanna know why?

I’ll tell you.

From the time you find out you’re pregnant and throughout your entire pregnancy, your tiny little human is curled up in a ball inside your womb.

The warmth inside your womb is made especially for that tiny growing life.

Swaddles are quite the same.

You can swaddle your newborn baby up which will help baby stay warm and secure while sleeping.

Also to add, these Muslin Swaddles are light weight and extremely soft, so no worries about baby becoming too hot.

If I were you, I’d most def add this one to your registry.

2.Organic Knot Gowns


Late night diaper changes have never been easier than they are with Knot Gowns.

These organic cotton gowns tie and untie at the bottom, which means no buttons or zippers to mess with when you can barely hold your eyes open , while your husband dreams peacefully.

You just simply untie , change baby’s bottom, then tie back up.

Let me also add, these ribbed angels are soft as butter.

You can thank me for adding simplicity to your life later.

Last, but most definitely not least, we have THE Baltic Amber Teething necklace.

I know you’re thinking “This is a newborn baby though, they aren’t teething”.

Let me just go ahead and say, you don’t want to figure out at midnight that your 2 month old is cutting teeth and you are not prepared.

Because believe me, it can and will happen mama.

Baltic Amber is an old ancient fossil that was discovered by Egyptians and is proven to relieve inflammation, boost immunity, and relieve pain, increase oxygen, and also relieve stress.

When Baltic Amber is worn against the skin, the body’s warmth releases trace amount of healing oils from the Amber, which contains succinic acid

This is an anti- inflammatory occurring naturally in the body that relieves pain.

Baltic Amber contains some of the highest concentrations of succinic acid in nature.

Your baby does NOT chew on the necklace.

You simply choose the right size for your babe, put the necklace on, and witness the magic.

Your child can go from screaming and slobbering to completely calm within an hour after putting the necklace on.

This is not a lie, I’ve used Baltic Amber on all 3 of my teething babies.

Add to this to your registry, mama.

You won’t regret it.

If you read all of this article , then I’m assuming you have a little one on the way.

Take a deep breath, mama.

You will do great!

Oh, and congrats!

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